Wilson, Harris & Company
Wilson Harris & Co. is one of our mentors and affiliates. Wilson, Harris & Company has been providing public accounting services since 1967.
Wilson, Harris & Company has a staff of ten accountants serving clients in the full spectrum of accounting services. Whether working with a small start-up company or a large governmental entity, we take a teamwork approach to meeting the needs of our clients. In this manner, you receive the experience and expertise of not just one accountant, but the entire staff whose combined experience totals over 100 years. We are also unique in that we can draw on our experience developed with a client base of over 7,000 current clients.
"Your Life, Your Tax Answers. Safe, reliable, and accurate tax preparation"
BW Group, Inc. has partnered with 1040.com to provide you online tax preparation. 1040.com makes the process easy by asking you questions and filling out the appropriate forms.